Blogging, and why I've been such a lazy ass...
As always, I apologize for the time away. Over the last month, I've gotten a job, had my car totaled, had a birthday, and generally been running around like an insane person. I will endeavor to tell the long and sordid tale of my first quarter in the city so nice they named it twice (Manhattan, of course, being the other name), but I just wanted you to know that I'm alive, albeit a little more battered (and fried) than I was when last I posted.
Also, I am now writing blogs for work. I've discovered that one of the consequences of using your blog as evidence of your writing ability is that writing a blog can sometimes become part of your job. On the bright side, this gives me a reason to write regularly--on the downside, there are some things that one cannot (or, at least, should not) connect with one's job. With that in mind, I will continue to write here from time to time, particularly when I need to vent about the little shits who totaled my Mustang, the bastard who threw a hypodermic on my front stoop, and the fact that people in the ghetto drive very slowly and very illegally (holdovers from a quadriped-based transportation grid?).
So, anyway, I will do my best to keep in touch. Thank you for continually checking in, and all your generous and thoughtful e-mails.
Also, I am now writing blogs for work. I've discovered that one of the consequences of using your blog as evidence of your writing ability is that writing a blog can sometimes become part of your job. On the bright side, this gives me a reason to write regularly--on the downside, there are some things that one cannot (or, at least, should not) connect with one's job. With that in mind, I will continue to write here from time to time, particularly when I need to vent about the little shits who totaled my Mustang, the bastard who threw a hypodermic on my front stoop, and the fact that people in the ghetto drive very slowly and very illegally (holdovers from a quadriped-based transportation grid?).
So, anyway, I will do my best to keep in touch. Thank you for continually checking in, and all your generous and thoughtful e-mails.
Labels: ghetto driving, hypodermic, Mustang, The Bronx
Good to know you are surviving in the city! Great you got a job! Bad you totaled your car (assuming it's yours) Great you get to blog for work too! Most people get fired for that.
Anonymous, At
September 25, 2007 at 6:49 PM
Congrats on the job. Sorry about the car...and the needle. Um, WTF?? Just glad to know you're still with us.
Hang in there.
Lex, At
September 25, 2007 at 10:09 PM
Er, Happy Birthday?
Sounds as if life has been challenging you...
Glamourpuss, At
September 26, 2007 at 9:35 AM
Reflecting Pool-
Thanks for the warm thoughts...overall, it's been pretty good!
Regarding the needle, the optimist in me would like to believe that a lazy diabetic just threw it down my stairwell, rather than look for a trashcan.
The realist, on the other hand, is pretty sure that someone was shooting up near my front door and used my stairwell as a trashbin.
Admittedly, I could do with a bit of challenging. Currently, I don't have to be worried about being stuck in a rut, at least!
Crankster, At
September 26, 2007 at 1:44 PM
Welcome back. Is now when I tell you that you left the fantasy world for a different fantasy world, just a bit more crowded? It's good to see you again!
The CEO, At
September 26, 2007 at 3:34 PM
Glad you're back. Sounds like the color of the inner city has turned a little gritty. Hang in there. Winter in the ghetto will have to be better.
The Geezers, At
September 27, 2007 at 4:17 PM
Hang in there. That's one thing I don't miss about living in Balti...the random needles lying about...ugh! Hang in there, and uh...happy late birthday?? :)
Claudia , At
September 27, 2007 at 5:49 PM
Thanks for the update, ex-pat Virginian. Post when you can -- don't let the work people get all the good writing!
JamieSmitten, At
September 29, 2007 at 9:21 PM've been having your share lately huh? Well Happy Birthday anyway!!!
Odat, At
October 1, 2007 at 2:22 PM
Thank you, as always. It's still exciting, but I'm getting a little more realistic about the whole thing.
Mystic Wing-
It's funny, but I didn't realize how much of a downer this post was until everyone started consoling me! The ghetto still has a lot to recommend it, and I'm still glad that I moved!
Thanks! On the bright side, there's only been the one needle, so I'm trying to stay sanguine about the whole thing.
Thanks and thanks. And when you move up here, let me know!
In the meantime, the other blog, once it gets up and going, will be open to everyone. Yes, my bosses are subsidizing my blog writing. I'm still looking for the catch.
Thank you. Let's just call it growing pains. And try to get together soon.
Crankster, At
October 2, 2007 at 1:40 PM
That is a much better excuse than mine for not blogging.
Spellbound, At
October 6, 2007 at 10:54 AM
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