The Cat with Hands
It was an interesting day. It began with three and a half hours at work in which I trained my wife to do the job that I've been doing for the last two weeks and which she will be doing for the forseeable future. It was a lot of fun, and most people seemed sad to see me go. There's some talk of bringing me on in a part-time capacity. We'll have to see what happens.
Afterwards, we met Sue, my eldest sister, for lunch. There was a problem with our debit card; while minor, it was still kind of embarrassing. Thankfully, Sue was quite cool about it. When my wife went back to work, Sue, her daughter Emily, and I went on a jaunt to Arthur Avenue, the Italian section of the Bronx. I've been wanting to bring Sue there for a long time, and it was a kick. We wandered through the little markets, cheese shops, butchers, and bakeries. Sue got to see where we live and George's day care. I, meanwhile, got to spend some time with my niece, my sister got to spend time with her niece, and a good time was had by all.
Once I got home, I started cooking dinner and went out to move the car, only to get nailed by the police for talking on the cell phone. They let me off with a pretty minor ticket, but my base tendency is to get really freaked out when approached by anyone with a uniform, so I'm still a little wigged out.
Mixed in with all of this, there have been problems with Jerome the cat and various other minor dramas. Long story short, it's been a pretty full day, and I'm a bit fried. However, I want to show you this. I've been told that it's a little scary, but I really like it a lot. It's creaky and cool in a Richard Gory/Addams Family/Tim Burton kind of way, and I hope you get a kick out of it:
Excuse the flakiness--I should be much more with it tomorrow.
Afterwards, we met Sue, my eldest sister, for lunch. There was a problem with our debit card; while minor, it was still kind of embarrassing. Thankfully, Sue was quite cool about it. When my wife went back to work, Sue, her daughter Emily, and I went on a jaunt to Arthur Avenue, the Italian section of the Bronx. I've been wanting to bring Sue there for a long time, and it was a kick. We wandered through the little markets, cheese shops, butchers, and bakeries. Sue got to see where we live and George's day care. I, meanwhile, got to spend some time with my niece, my sister got to spend time with her niece, and a good time was had by all.
Once I got home, I started cooking dinner and went out to move the car, only to get nailed by the police for talking on the cell phone. They let me off with a pretty minor ticket, but my base tendency is to get really freaked out when approached by anyone with a uniform, so I'm still a little wigged out.
Mixed in with all of this, there have been problems with Jerome the cat and various other minor dramas. Long story short, it's been a pretty full day, and I'm a bit fried. However, I want to show you this. I've been told that it's a little scary, but I really like it a lot. It's creaky and cool in a Richard Gory/Addams Family/Tim Burton kind of way, and I hope you get a kick out of it:
Excuse the flakiness--I should be much more with it tomorrow.
Labels: Arthur Avenue, Cat with Hands, sister Sue, temping, ticket
What a lovely and full day! I hope Jerome is improving. He's a really cute kitty.
As to the video, I love that the cat got his tongue. I wonder if that was the whole intent, you know, to show a cat literally getting the tongue. Its sticking with me.
Anonymous, At
November 19, 2007 at 10:29 PM
I must be perfectly honest.
I was kinna under the impresion that the Bonx was a dodgy place but after all the stuff that you have writen and the pics I have seen it sounds nice and almost quant
Nosjunkie, At
November 20, 2007 at 2:39 AM
Very macabre - I love it. What fun.
Hope you feel less discombobulated soon.
Glamourpuss, At
November 20, 2007 at 7:39 AM
Tomorrow, tomorrow, it's only a day away!
Interesting story, I adore cats. Rushing off to work. ta
The CEO, At
November 20, 2007 at 8:13 AM
I love it, too. There's something about the jerky motion--it reminds me of a puppet show or a clockwork.
Jerome is healthier--he now has enough energy to move around the house and pee everywhere. It is, to say the least, a mixed blessing.
The Bronx has some VERY dodgy places, most of which I haven't visited, and some of which I don't expect to ever visit. However, it also has a lot of beauty.
I'm trying to focus on the beauty!
Feeling better already! And glad you liked the evil, evil cat.
Have fun at the office. Love cats all you want, but don't forget that they're evil. And, yes, I AM a cat person.
Crankster, At
November 20, 2007 at 8:27 AM
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