I like your blog. I'm thinking about book-marking it. The thing that bothers me is that you NEVER mention the *race* or *ethnicity* of the people who do these horrible things you describe. I suspect it is because you are a NYC liberal democrat. Which is fine. But it has its drawbacks. I've come to the conclusion that liberalism is a mental illness. I used to live & work in NYC (but never in the Bronx), so I get a kick out of this great, fun read of a blog. I feel sorry for your daughter tho, being the only whitey in your neigborhood. You need to speak out against the invasion of NYC by legal & illegal immigrants from the THIRD WORLD! I live in NJ, the most racially "diverse" state in the Union. Also its the most denseley populated with a huge influx of foreigners. Me thinks you need to move out of the inner-city. The inner cities are becoming more and more hostile toward "whitey"". There is some truth to the saying; "only the stong survive". Especially in our inner-cities. In conclusion, I wish you freedom from any future civil disturbances for you and your family.
The ongoing adventures of a southern academic transplanted to New York. A search for meaning, culture, humanity, and a great meal for under ten dollars.
It's a worthy cause, and it's good having you back.
The CEO, At
June 4, 2008 at 9:28 PM
Peace. Now if only you could peacefully pee on the next person who tries to pee on your home...
Say It, At
June 5, 2008 at 8:40 AM
Wishing peace (and good health) to you and Misanthrope, Georgia and Ella.
heartinsanfrancisco, At
June 13, 2008 at 11:38 AM
Peace to you and yours on this BlogBlast Day!
Mimi Lenox, At
June 14, 2008 at 2:29 AM
Is everything ok with you guys?
You are missed.
heartinsanfrancisco, At
July 11, 2008 at 9:31 PM
I like your blog. I'm thinking about book-marking it. The thing that bothers me is that you NEVER mention the *race* or *ethnicity* of the people who do these horrible things you describe. I suspect it is because you are a NYC liberal democrat. Which is fine. But it has its drawbacks. I've come to the conclusion that liberalism is a mental illness. I used to live & work in NYC (but never in the Bronx), so I get a kick out of this great, fun read of a blog. I feel sorry for your daughter tho, being the only whitey in your neigborhood. You need to speak out against the invasion of NYC by legal & illegal immigrants from the THIRD WORLD! I live in NJ, the most racially "diverse" state in the Union. Also its the most denseley populated with a huge influx of foreigners. Me thinks you need to move out of the inner-city. The inner cities are becoming more and more hostile toward "whitey"". There is some truth to the saying; "only the stong survive". Especially in our inner-cities. In conclusion, I wish you freedom from any future civil disturbances for you and your family.
Peace Out,
Brian Mooha (don't have a "google" account)
Anonymous, At
July 16, 2008 at 3:18 PM
Hey...just checking in on you. I hope all is well...
Claudia , At
August 13, 2008 at 1:00 PM
Hope you return one day...I always check,,,just in case. You can come back you know...we all are feeling the pain.
Steph C., At
September 10, 2008 at 10:36 PM
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